Unlocking Progress: 12 Questions to Overcome Self-Imposed Barriers

In today’s newsletter, I shared that I have been getting in my own way, ruining my productivity through constant self-interruption and phone checking.

After writing that newsletter, I considered the many other ways we can be our own stumbling blocks. Given our recent discussions on cultivating healthy habits, I decided to create a brief questionnaire for you.

This blog will help you:

  • Figure out if you are inadvertently blocking your habit-building progress.

  • Tell you what to do to overcome your specific self-imposed roadblocks.

For those eager to transform their lives for the better, understanding personal barriers is essential. If you've ever wondered, "Am I the problem?", this blog post is for you.

1. Have you defined a clear and specific goal, or is it vague?

If you answered yes to that question:
Crystallize your objectives. Write down a specific goal and imagine the outcomes you desire. For instance, "I want to be fit" can become "I aim to exercise 30 minutes a day, five days a week."

2. Are you trying to change too many things at once?

If you answered yes to that question:
Overwhelm is real. Prioritize one or two key habits. Master them before branching out. Your journey to change is a marathon, not a sprint.

3. Are you waiting for the "perfect" moment to start? Do you give up after small mistakes?

If you answered yes to that question:

Perfection can be the enemy of progress. Remember that small, consistent efforts matter more. Commit to the journey, regardless of the bumps along the way.

4. Do you make time and set reminders to ensure you repeat your new habits?

If you answered yes to that question:

Consistency is key. Use alarms, reminders, or habit-tracking apps. These tools act as a gentle nudge, keeping you on track.

5. Do you have an accountability system?

If you answered yes to that question:

Partner with a friend, coach, or join a group. Regular check-ins or using habit-tracking apps can reinforce commitment.

6. Is your reason for change clear and actually important to you?

If you answered yes to that question:

Reflect on the deeper "why" behind your goal. Write it down, keep it visible. When the journey gets tough, this will be your anchor. If you are doing it because you think you “should”, read this article.

7. Is your environment conducive to your new habits?

If you answered yes to that question:

Alter your surroundings to mirror your goals. For example, putting your gym clothes out so they are the first thing you see in the morning makes it more likely that you exercise the instant you wake up, should that be your plan. Align your space with your aspirations. If you don’t know where to start, read this blog.

8. Are you keeping an eye on your growth?

If you answered yes to that question:

Journal your journey or employ tracking apps. Celebrate milestones, no matter how small. Each step forward is a victory.

9. Do you feel like change is impossible for you?

If you answered yes to that question:

Embrace the growth mindset. Educate yourself on its principles and challenge any self-limiting beliefs. Growth, after all, is a continuous process.

10. Are you seeking immediate transformation?

If you answered yes to that question:

Remember, real change is gradual. Relish in daily achievements and understand that every day brings you closer to your ultimate goal. If you struggle with slow progress, read this article.

11. Might deeper issues or emotions be creating barriers?

If you answered yes to that question:

Delve deeper. If necessary, speak to a professional. Addressing root causes can free you to move forward unencumbered.

12. Do you try to avoid situations that make you uneasy?

If you answered yes to that question:

Growth often lies outside comfort zones. Embrace the unease. View it as an indicator of personal evolution.

Self-awareness is extremely important when we try to make changes in our lives. If you answered yes to any of the questions above, remember, most people do at one time or another. The key lies not just in asking, "Am I the problem?" but in seeking solutions and taking proactive steps.

That’s all for now.

This is a starting point to get you truly understanding how habits work and how they can affect each of us.

Practise these steps over and over in order to make change possible for you.

If you want to do a deep dive, which will help you not only break bad habits but also:

  • stop self sabotage and the drama in your life

  • end intergenerational patterns,

  • improve your decision making

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Also, connect with me on Instagram for daily posts to help boost your mood.

Sophie Mort